here are some texts that occupy my brain!


Women Without Class by Julie Bettie


Corpus Christi: A Play by Terrence McNally


The Never-Aging Ants With a Terrible Secret by Katherine J. Wu

standing on the shoulders of complex female characters by rayne fisher-quann

Mitski in 9 Acts by E. Alex Jung

Corpse Logic by Emma Hyche

The Gods Show Up by Michael Kinnucan

Has Trans Identity Become a Sales Pitch? by Oliver Haug

Ouroboricisms by Alice Lesperance

Character, Genre, Labor: The Office Novel after Deindustrialization by Jasper Bernes

I Am a Meme Now - And So Are You by Timothy Kreider

The Fetishism of True Crime: What Web Sleuths and Medieval Witch Hunters Have in Common by Joan Tierney

True Crime is Rotting Our Brains by Emma Berquist


& O Bright Star of Disaster, I Have Been Lit by Franny Choi


The Northern Caves by nostalgebraist